NMG Umbrella SmartFund

NMG Long-term Investment Performance
Long-term investment
We’re a top performing umbrella fund which has given members strong returns for years
NMG Working for you
Working for you
The best advice for every member, the best employee benefits strategy for every employer, and the best investment strategy for every fund
NMG Low fees
Low fees
Competitive administration and investment fees, and there’s no cost to set up your account
About the NMG Umbrella SmartFund

The NMG Umbrella SmartFund combines the contributions of many employers and members to deliver your members the benefits of scale: better investment returns, improved services, and lower costs.

The fund provides both standardised and custom solutions for employers and members. Benefits can be structured to meet the needs of your members. The fund aims to offer a best of breed solution for employers and members.

Not all employers and company cultures are alike, and different groups of members may need different approaches to investment. Employers can choose the most appropriate investment strategy from the range offered by the fund, both NMG’s SmartAssets range and third-party fund managers.

Management of the Fund

A board of trustees runs the NMG Umbrella SmartFund. The board is guided by the law and the rules of the fund. The board has set up a vigorous governance framework to ensure that the fund is managed appropriately.

Each participating employer can choose to have a management committee. If there is a committee, members must be represented on the committee. If there is no management committee, the employer should appoint representatives to help manage the fund for its members.

Investment Offerings

Not all employers and company cultures are alike. We understand that different groups of members may need different investment options. For this reason, participating employers can choose their preferred level of investment flexibility in the NMG Umbrella SmartFund. The participating employer must choose one of the two investment options that the fund offers:

NMG Benefits SmartFocus

SmartFocus is suitable for employers who want to leave investments in the hands of the professionals.

The participating employer can choose the SmartActive or SmartPassive Life Stage model as the default investment strategy.

Members can choose to invest in any of the investment portfolios offered by the fund for member investment choice.

NMG Benefits Smart Expert

SmartExpert is suitable for employers who want to construct their own (on or off platform) bespoke investment strategy as it allows the participating employer to customise the investment offering.

The trustees have set criteria for this offering, which includes using the services of an investment consultant.

Communication Offerings

The NMG Umbrella SmartFund aims to educate members on the long-term implications of their financial choices. The communication material available for members includes:

  • A member booklet that is provided for all new members and updated annually for existing members. The fund’s member booklet is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa.
  • The fund has a booklet to explain the options available when members leave employment. This booklet is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa.
  • The fund has a booklet to explain the options available when members retire. This booklet is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa.
  • The fund has a booklet to explain how to access a savings withdrawal benefit. This booklet is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa.
  • The fund provides an investment booklet to provide members with information on the investments portfolios offered.
  • An annual benefit statement is provided to all members.
  • A personalized annual projection statement is provided for each member.
  • Members have access to the retirement projection calculator on NMG’s website.
  • The trustee’s report is provided to members annually.
  • A quarterly newsletter is provided by the fund.
  • New entrant certificates and paid up certificates are provided to members.
  • Members can access their fund credits online on the NMG web portal and a smartphone application. The fund’s communication material is published to the NMG web portal and a smartphone application.
  • Members have access to the contact center to request the fund’s exit communication and claim forms. They can ask the contact center about the progress of their claim. The contact center can assist members in English, Afrikaans, Sesotho, Zulu, Xhosa, Tsonga, Setswana and Venda.
Default Regulations

The fund has identified solutions to meet the requirements of the default regulations. The arrangements are monitored and may change over time, and currently includes preservation funds and living annuities.

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