
Small changes you can make to ease the burden of fuel prices and load shedding

NMG Benefits
10 August 2022
3 min read

Load shedding hacks

What you can do right now:

Switch to energy efficient light bulbs. They may be more expensive, but they last a lot longer and use far less power.

Use electricity efficient options for cooking, such as microwaves, slow cookers, and air fryers. Try not to use tumble dryers, dish washers, air conditioners, and heaters. Only use your washing machine when you have a full load.

Switch off your geyser – you can probably get away with having it on for only a few hours a day. This can reduce your electricity bill by a third or more. You can also reduce the temperature of your geyser to 55-60ºC.

Switch off all appliances when they are not in use. Unplug them during load shedding, to prevent them from being damaged when the power surges. Check that your household insurance covers damage caused by power surges.

Shower for short time, instead of bathing. You will use less water and less electricity this way.

What you can do in the next few months:

Consider purchasing smart plugs. Smart plugs can be set to switch off your appliances.

Installing a timer on your geyser will help you only consume electricity at specific times.

Invest in surge protectors. Sensitive appliances such as computers, refrigerators, freezers, and televisions can be plugged in to surge protectors to prevent damage caused by power surges.

What you can plan to do in the future: If you need to replace an appliance, be sure to buy an energy efficient one. Grade A is the most efficient and Grade G is the least. You could also consider purchasing appliances that run on gas, rather than electricity, or start saving to put in solar panels, or to replace air conditioning with ceiling fans and fireplaces.

Transport hacks:

What you can do right now

Ensure that your car’s tyres are correctly inflated. Drive carefully and slowly and avoid accelerating harshly.

Reduce your number of trips by planning your shopping, working from home if you are allowed to, using public transport if possible (and if it will be cheaper), and organising lift clubs with neighbours and friends.

Find out if a nearby petrol station offers a rewards programme, or if your bank, medical aid, or another service provider offers loyalty points that can be used to pay for fuel.

What you can do in the next few months:

Get your car serviced to ensure that it performs optimally.

What you can plan to do in the future: Consider purchasing a hybrid, or fully electric, car.

General savings hacks:

Save water! Switch off taps while brushing teeth or shaving. Use grey water to water your garden if you can.

Plan your purchases and shop according to a list every two weeks or even once a month, if possible, and freeze whatever you can. This will stop you from buying things on impulse, and you are less likely to order takeaways if your fridge and freezer are fully stocked.

Look for special offers and deals before you go shopping and compare prices between brands and serving sizes. Buy in bulk and split with a neighbour, relative, or friend.

Make the most of loyalty programmes that give you cash back. Make sure you are aware of all the rewards that you are entitled to through your bank, pharmacy, grocery store, etc.

Call your insurance provider and ask them to consider reviewing your premiums on your car or household insurance. Similarly, make sure that your medical aid plan is still in line with your needs. If you are subscribed to services that you don’t use or really need, for example online streaming or a gym membership, consider cancelling these. Similarly, if there are valuable items in your house that you can live without, you could sell these. You could even consider downsizing your home.


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